Invitation to the Arbeitsgemeinschaft at Oberwolfach
Symplectic Geometry has seen a rapid development since the 80's with the discovery of rigidity phenomena like the non-squeezing theorem based on Gromov's seminal theory of pseudo-holomorphic curves. A directly related development was Floer's method of using Morse theory in a new way, known as Floer homology, in order to solve the Arnold conjecture. In the 60's Arnold formulated his conjecture based on Poincar e's so-called \Last Geometric Theorem" proven by G. D. Birkhoo, about the existence of at least two xed points of area preserving homeomorphisms of the annulus rotating the boundary circles in diierent directions. Arnold put his conjecture in the following terms, A2]: Any Hamiltonian diieomorphism of a compact symplectic manifold has at least as many xed points as a smooth function on this manifold has critical points. Under the additional assumption that all xed points are non-degenerate, a generic property, this conjecture was modiied to Moreover, there is a corresponding variant in terms of intersections of Lagrangian submanifolds giving a priori lower bounds on the minimal number of intersection points provided that one Lagrangian is a Hamil-tonian deformation of the other and meets some additional conditions. This variant is a direct generalization of the version for symplectic xed points when considering the graphs of the Hamiltonian diieomorphism and of the identity in the symplectic manifold (M M; ! (?!)). For the symplectic xed points, one can relate the non-degenerate Arnold conjecture to the Lefschetz xed point theorem in the same way as Morse theory with the Poincar e-Hopf theorem. The Arnold conjecture for non-degenerate symplectic xed points has now been proved in full generality. It was rst connrmed by Eliashberg E] for Riemann surfaces and then by Conley and Zehnder CZ1] for the 2n-torus. In G] Gromov proved the existence of at least one xed point under the assumption 2 (M) = 0. The breakthrough came when Floer established the Arnold conjecture for Lagrangian intersections, and hence symplec-tic xed points, again under the assumption 2 (M) = 0. In a series of papers F1, F2, F3, F5] Floer combined the variational approach of 1
منابع مشابه
The Open University ’ s repository of research publications and other research outputs Open Problems and Conjectures Related to the
This list of problems arose as a collaborative effort among the participants of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft on Mathematical Quasicrystals, which was held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach in October 2015. The purpose of our meeting was to bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines, with a B Faustin Adiceam [email protected] David Damanik [email protected] Fr...
متن کاملArbeitsgemeinschaft mit aktuellem Thema: LIMITS OF DISCRETE STRUCTURES Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach March 31-April 5
A recently emerging and fast growing topic in mathematics considers very large finite structures as approximations of infinite analytic objects. This approach enables one to use a variety of tools from analysis to study graphs, hypergraphs, permutations, subsets of groups and many other fundamental structures. There are several applications in extremal combinatorics, Fourier analysis (also in a...
متن کاملThe Effect Of Form & Morphology Criteria On The Enhancement Of Sense Of Invitation In Entrance Landscape (Case Study: Bazaar of Qazvin)
The form and morphology criteria are among effective components in enhancement and improvement of urban environments and one of the features of successful urban spaces, is the way these criteria are arranged alongside each other especially at the visual landscape of an entrance space, because entrance of every place is the first and most important communication ring between the person and the ...
متن کاملThe Directed Anti-Oberwolfach Solution: Pancyclic 2-Factorizations of Complete Directed Graphs of Odd Order
The directed anti-Oberwolfach problem asks for a 2-factorization (each factor has in-degree 1 and out-degree 1 for a total degree of two) of K2n+1, not with consistent cycle components in each 2-factor like the Oberwolfach problem, but such that every admissible cycle size appears at least once in some 2-factor. The solution takes advantage of both Piotrowski’s decomposition techniques used to ...
متن کاملA Contrastive Analysis of Persian and English Compliment, Request, and Invitation Patterns within the Semantic Metalanguage Framework
Speech acts shape the core of pragmatic competence and their mastery is a prerequisite for successful dis- course encounters in an L2. Cross-cultural comparisons, as claimed by Johnstone (2018), are very effec- tive for knowing and acquiring the speech acts. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to compare a limited number of communicative routines in English and Persian within the f...
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